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  Hi, I am just a guy fond of  anything that  has a combination of art, intelligence and wisdom .As such qualities are more so is my interest. There you can derive an equation. and from the equation you may conclude  I would like to live with and/or through "the" ones. It does not taste well to bear "any"s . I like to challenge opposition in good sport.

  As of technicalities I had some mining engineering and a mechatronics education. However, appreciations mostly to my high school and former Uni that let me have English so films and games are much more enjoyable without peeking at subtitles.

  I like video games, actually I adore some such as "Deus Ex". I love Sci and Sci-Fi.I enjoy the literature mostly from audiobooks lately. What can I say, tech is nice.

 Yes I am also curious. Curiosity may kill cats yet curious does find out more of anything. 

 And I have a dream too which is to live in an establishment automated to do tedious work and with people around who wander on the fringes of evolution close to transendence and singularity. People who can grasp the reality of everything is a part of an integrated whole as an organism acting together in unison to develop, to evolve and to pass it on.

You know, like Alexander's solution to Gordion knot, Arhur's camelot, dragons, forrest gumps, getting smarts, opening the red sea, all seeing eye etc.

  Formalities aside; what matters for me is some place I yearn for . It is the place having those qualities mentioned atop, A self sustaining community where I can give and recieve, assist and learn. To contribute to and be a part of an entity as a model by means of not only so abused greater good but  something advancing, Even if it goes awry we learn from it, formulate it and change it. In the end all it comes to billion monkeys with typewriters.

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